Thursday, August 23, 2012

Review of Legends of Marithia Book 1 by Peter Koevari

PaperbackUncut and Extended Second Edition210 pages
Published May 23rd 2012 by Createspace (first published November 24th 2009)
1477508724 (ISBN13: 9781477508725)
edition language

This book takes you into the realm of great fantasy story telling that just isn’t found in a lot of recent stories. If you a fan of authors such as Terry Brookes; you will love this book.

Staying in tradition of great fantasy story telling the base of this book is good vs. evil. Which of course by the end of book one you are not sure who the victor will be the battle can still go either way. Each side has their own prophesy that once fulfilled it will give that side the upper hand; but no everyone is who they seem. Like many other books you will find tales of love and deception in the plot as well as ultimate sacrifices!

You will also find some elements in this book that set it apart from other fantasy books. Peter pushes the boundaries of the fantasy realm. By not just having fantasy favorites such as Fairies, Elves, and dragons but you there are also vampires, demons, and other dark creatures. 

I defiantly think that this is one indie author that has potential to go far in this gene. I can’t wait to see what Peter has in store for us in book 2. 

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